We are asking for your help please make a donation today! Donations
Why does Herfurth PTA fundraise?
The goal of the PTA is to support the school and our students. Through parent involvement, we enrich the educational experience for all students as well as support the teachers and staff.
A strong PTA is vital to the school community and in order to be successful this organization depends on many volunteers and sponsors. These include parents, grandparents, teachers and local businesses. Membership fees are just a small portion of the money we raise each year to help us achieve our goal.
Your support with our various fundraisers throughout the year enables the PTA to provide a wide range of services, activities and programs for the students, faculty and families of Herfurth Elementary such as:
- Field Trips
- Turkey Trot
- Movie Night
- Paint Night
- Game Night
- Music Programs
- Reading for Treats
- Classroom Grants
- Parent Appreciation
- Buddy Day (Co-Sponsor)
- Reflections Art Program
- Playground Improvements
- Math and Science Nights
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Montessori Market (Co-Sponsor)
- Multicultural Night (Co-Sponsor)
- Block Party (Co-Sponsor)
- Monthly Staff Appreciation
- Campus Clean-Up
- School Award Celebrations
- 5th Grade Graduation (Co-Sponsor)
- Yearbooks
We appreciate your support in supporting our beloved Herfurth Elementary Broncos!
Year Round Fundraising/Support:
- World Wear Project
- Herfurth PTA Amazon Wishlist
Upcoming Events
- Friday, January 31
- Tuesday, February 11
- Monday, February 17
- Friday, February 28
- Tuesday, March 11
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
We could not accomplish our goals with out our generous sponsors.